Textures of the Absolute:
Divine Light, Divine Love, and Kundalini-Prana Shakti

David Spero, Spiritual Teacher and Author
Original date: Monday, July 20,, 2009

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David Spero is an independent spiritual teacher, published poet and author of Beyond the Place of Laughter and Tears in the Land of Devotion, a book of ecstatic spiritual writings. David's main contention is that everyone, unconditionally, can experience the Divine Reality without jumping over hurdles or undergoing long years of practices. Innocence is the untouched core of every human's existence and through this innocence one can be resuscitated in the Divine Reality. David abides spontaneously in the "sweet, natural state," amrita sahaja samadhi, greeting those who wish to enjoy his spiritual company. He offers a potent spiritual transmission of Divine Light (non-duality), Devotional Love, and Prana-Kundalini Shakti. Many people also report experiencing a field of Multi-Dimensional Lights within Consciousness during meditation with David. David will begin his program with a 15-20 minute silent meditation, followed by a short talk. Then the audience may participate by asking questions or entering into meaningful dialog with David.

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