Earth Vortex Unveiled
Jan Boddie, Ph.D. and Marystella Church, CHT
Original Date: Thursday, June 6, 2013

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The first of a dozen vortices and portals that have opened on the half-acre where Jan and Marystella live in west Santa Rosa was unveiled by a Pomo Shaman Ancestor on Spring Equinox 2001, in their living room. Elements, Ancestors and Gatekeepers have guided their 20 year vortex journey.

Marystella Church and Jan Boddie offer Energy Healings and Cleansings for People, Buildings and Land, Rituals and Rites of Passage, Animal Construction, Learning Opportunities. Their public presentations include New College and seven years at the Shamanism and Alternative Healing Conference, inviting us into the holy land of the heart through vortex energies.

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