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The Power of Poetry
David Richo, Best-Selling Author
Original Date: Thursday, October 18th, 2018

Download MP3 Audio File Here (11.8 MB)

Becoming healthy, both psychologically and spiritually, includes releasing the full range of our imagination about who we are and can be. Writing poetry can be a surprising tool in that exciting venture. What it takes to express ourselves poetically is exactly what can open us to our inner world and connect us to others and to nature. Poetry may have seemed daunting in school but here is a chance for it to become quite wonderfully personal and spiritually enriching. This book offers an opportunity to use our hearts and pens to explore who we abundantly are. We will not be writing at the talk but will discuss ways to write poems that help us grow.

David Richo, PhD, MFT, is a psychotherapist, teacher, workshop leader, and writer who works in Santa Barbara and San Francisco California. He combines Jungian, poetic, and mythic perspectives in his work with the intention of integrating the psychological and the spiritual. His books and workshops include attention to Buddhist and Christian spiritual practices.

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