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Strings of Shining Silence: Earth-Love Poems
Raphael Block, Poet and David Field, Guitarist
Original Date: Thursday, November 10, 2016

Download MP3 Audio File Here (14.3 MB)

Join this engaging duo as they show us how to respond to the Earth�s callings and magic through their performance of poetry and acoustic guitar.

Raphael Block's poetry speaks to earth's call for a heartfelt response to our global crisis. He spent a good portion of his adult life in London where British English shaped his ear for sound. Raphael breathes in wonder at the earth�s and our own rhythmic ebb and flow.

David Field is a solo guitar instrumentalist who has a unique, romantic and flowing style. His gentle manner and relaxed demeanor reveal an artist of great technical and emotional depth. David's sensitive, contemplative arrangements weave a beautiful tapestry with Raphael's words.

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