Reflections on a Shakuhachi Lesson
I was taking a lesson recently with my shakuhachi (Japanese Bamboo Flute) teacher, Masayuki Koga. Koga-sensei's teaching style emphasizes among many other things activating the body through the direction of attention on specific areas at specific times. For instance, students of Koga-sensei might be guided to attend to the muscles at the sides of the hip to provide support. Or we might be instructed to open up the muscles near the eyes and forehead to better open the sound. We release the tension in our fingers, hands, forearms, to allow the energy so constrained to be freed up to contribute to the sound. Lessons with Koga-sensei are a constant process of tuning up our organisms so that we can convey a freedom and expansiveness through the shakuhachi.
One recurring theme in this process is for students to open the third eye as a key means to take to an entirely different level the quality in the sound that the organism can produce. Physiologically, this action is in part achieved by relaxing and opening the muscles of the forehead. In addition, this direction of attention induces an expansive action whereby the head remains upright and the mind keeps an upward or soaring trend of attention. Practically this action allows for a more expressive sound and the holding of a continuous tone, even when the breath pressure reduces and the sound softens. This approach also has the technical benefit of allowing the pitch of even difficult-to-achieve notes to remain true.
But although the approach of opening the third eye and "looking to the sky" can be analyzed physiologically and practically, experientially it is an integrative approach. By opening the third eye and connecting attention with something higher outside ourselves, we don't have to be concerned with controlling the details of the micro-movements of the organism: the organism aligns and configures itself naturally in response the to quality of attention we are invoking.
Attempts to control the sound or to control the position of the body tend toward a reification of tension in the body, which closes down the sound and results in a more mechanical sort of playing. In my recent lesson I had a vivid demonstration of this observation. I was playing a particular phrase in an orignal composition by Koga-sensei, and he was observing and commenting on my struggle with a particular progression of notes that would normally require a coordinated movement of the fingers, neck, and breath to achieve. He noted that I had tension in my upper lip. His suggestion was for me to connect my upper lip to my third eye while I was playing. I did this and immediately the difficulty of the particular progression was gone and I was able to return to a consistent expansive playing of the phrase. The distinction was quite apparant to me and was typical of the many such epiphanies that I have been privileged to enjoy through the brilliance of Koga-sensei.
As I was enjoying the freedom of that very subtle interior gesture of connecting my upper lip to my third eye, I looked at the root of the tension I had been holding in my lip. Describing the ensuing impression in words does not capture the instantaneous impression of my seeing the root of this tension, because my seeing of it was not a product of analysis. It simply was what it was. What I saw was the tension arising from a fear of missing the note and the corresponding mechanical attempt to compensate for this fear by overcontrolling the muscles of my upper lip to make sure that I did not miss the next note in the progression. This seemed like a left-over habit from my early years of practice and the resulting tension was functioning like an energy block or a unresponsive knot (all very subtle however). When I connected my lips to my third eye, this energy had a place to go and the fear and corresponding tension simply went away. A suppleness had returned to that part of my body.
In seeing this particular mechanism of tension revealed, I appreciated the occasion to reflect on the pervasiveness of micro and macro tension throughout the body. These tensions are created as defensive responses to a myriad of perceived threats. I perceived how these tensions enslave energies in service of mechanical reactions to circumstances in all aspects of our lives. The insights and discoveries that Koga-sensei teaches about liberating the Self in the performance of shakuhachi apply equally well to other aspects of life. The key elements amount to striving toward a higher octave of energy, while at the same time being mindful, at the level of sensing, of the activities of the organism as a whole.
In the Fourth Way teachings and material I've been exposed to, there seems to be a recurring emphasis on observation without directly interfering with the life of the machine, as E.J. would put it. It is suggested that one surrenders attempts to control, fix, or alter the mechanical habits that one may have opportunity to observe, and not identify with judgement about the process...
How does this relate to "tuning up our organisms?" What is being changed in that process that we shouldn't try to change?
Posted by: Daniel | January 24, 2009 09:13 PM
The admonition against directly interfering with the life of the machine is a provisional teaching in the sense that it is particularly important in early stages of practice in Work on Self. The problem is that in the early stages of the Work, desires to change the machine typically arise from some identified aspect of mind. Until is is absolutely clear where the impulse to make a change is arising from, it is best to simply observe the organism as a whole without trying to change anything.
To use the example from the article, my creation of a tension in my lip to control the production of sound was the product of identified mind attempting to control the activity of the machine. Eventually this habit of control slipped from my active awareness such that it was simply an unconscious energy block. During my lesson, Koga-sensei was providing a suggestion for how I might undo this particular "doing" that was now locked into the energetic field of my organism. The impulse to undo this habit was coming from a very different place than the place from which I originally created the habit.
It is also worthwhile to point out that the process of "tuning up our organisms" that I described is being conducted by a very skillful guide who has a clear perception of the energetic state of my own particular organism. With respect to this work with Shakuhachi, I could not have come upon this clarity without Koga-sensei's guidance. But his guidance is given with the express hope and expectation that his students will ultimately cultivate the necessary discrimination to carry on this process of tuning up on their own.
Hope this helps.
Posted by: Stuart | January 25, 2009 11:22 PM
Hi, I enjoyed your blog comments around shakuhachi lesson with Koga sensei.
I am in San Jose and have played shakuhachi now for about 5 years.
Do you enjoy the lessons with Koga-san, does he teach in the east bay?
Posted by: John | March 4, 2009 08:43 AM
Hi John,
I highly recommend shakuhachi lessons with Koga-sensei and find them not only enjoyable but profound. He currently lives in Berkeley and teaches in Berkeley, SF, Richmond, and soon Palo Alto. You can find contact information at .
Posted by: Stuart | March 15, 2009 06:49 PM
Cool site.
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In, the products are showcased in a friendly way so that customer can easily pick up what he needs. Medicines are often accompanied by proper literature about ingredients, how to use, doses, how to store, and all other important information. is one that gives adequate information to the customer about the medicine he/she is going to buy. Online pharmacies also provide you the case studies and research studies conducted on the drugs and whatever were it results.
Posted by: Diego Malkowski | July 22, 2010 12:56 AM
Online pharmacies are easiest way to buy the drugs. The best thing about the online pharmacies is that they sell the drugs at the affordable rates, which suits customer the most. Another important advantage of the online pharmacies is that you get the medicine without anyone knows about it. In fact I would say online pharmacy is the best place to buy the medicines related to the sexual health ailments. The trend of online pharmacy is ruling the drugs market today because of the additional benefits it is providing to the customers.
Posted by: Olimpia Maruco | July 22, 2010 01:13 AM
For making a online purchase the first thing you should check is that whether the drugs sold by them are approved by the Food and Drug Administration or not. And they all are approved at . Once you are the satisfied with all these details then only make the purchase from So, to save the money and time go for
Posted by: Mckinley Derosier | July 22, 2010 02:08 AM
Online pharmacies are easiest way to buy the drugs. The best thing about the online pharmacies is that they sell the drugs at the affordable rates, which suits customer the most. Another important advantage of the online pharmacies is that you get the medicine without anyone knows about it. In fact I would say online pharmacy is the best place to buy the medicines related to the sexual health ailments. The trend of online pharmacy is ruling the drugs market today because of the additional benefits it is providing to the customers.
Posted by: Alta Orszulak | July 22, 2010 03:08 AM
Online pharmacies are easiest way to buy the drugs. The best thing about the online pharmacies is that they sell the drugs at the affordable rates, which suits customer the most. Another important advantage of the online pharmacies is that you get the medicine without anyone knows about it. In fact I would say online pharmacy is the best place to buy the medicines related to the sexual health ailments. The trend of online pharmacy is ruling the drugs market today because of the additional benefits it is providing to the customers.
Posted by: Marlin Vanderhoff | July 22, 2010 10:49 AM provide the customers with the drugs at the lowest possible costs because they do not have to spend too much on maintaining the physical shop and on hiring the person who will handle the shop. Very less maintenance and rental is required for the online drugs stores so additional savings are done here. Also, purchase the medicines directly from the drug manufacturer so they get the drugs at very less costs and the drug wholesaler doesn’t come in between. This helps the online pharmacies to keep the prices of the drugs at comparatively lower rates than the shopkeepers.
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